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Project pipeline

The following is a list of the proposed developments, at various stages in the approval process on and around Main Street.


Boston Post Road and High Street

Former United Hospital Site Rose Associates and BedRock Real Estate Partners are proposing 775 multifamily residential units, 18,000 square feet of retail and commercial space, a 120-room  hotel and a 200-unit senior living facility. The new development team  took over the site at 406-408 Boston Post Road from the Starwood Capital  Group in 2019. 


PCMSA supports this project, which provides needed housing and commercial opportunities for Port Chester without destroying Main Street.


45 N. Main Street

Ivy Realty is proposing 203 residential units, along with 10,000 square feet of modern ground-floor commercial space. 


PCMSA opposes this project in this location, although the same building would be acceptable on a larger street such as Route 1 near South Regent St or the Westchester Ave/South Regent area.


175 N. Main Street

A six-story building, with 209 rental units, along with retail and  restaurant space called Tarry Lighthouse was approved earlier this year. 


PCMSA is opposed to this project. It is over-sized, provides few benefits to Port Chester, and the impact of traffic and loss of retail space has not been adequately addressed. The block is occupied by an original 1920's Studebaker Automobile Showroom in excellent condition, identified on the Westchester County CRIS report as worthy of historic preservation. There is a pending lawsuit against the developer by an existing business owner.


30 Broad Street

Developer Nick Williams and the St. Katherine Group is looking for approval to build a nine-story building with 22 residential units, office space and a brew pub. 


PCMSA is opposed to this project in it's current state, but a lower-scale building would be appropriate, and a welcome improvement to the area.


1 North Main Street

A total of 79 residential units are under construction at the site, with 12,000 square feet of ground floor retail space. 


PCMSA is opposed to this project which will basically erase any remaining traces of Liberty Square, and will create an inappropriate urban appearance in the village.


More Projects on the Way

The current Form-Based Code and Character-based zoning will likely attract additional over-size proposals. PCMSA will review each as they are submitted, based on their impact on the character of Main Street. Read recent articles about the proposed Port Chester development.







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