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write to local and state officials and the media

Nothing gets the attention of local government leaders like a letter or email. Letters should be brief, and to the point. If you have multiple topics it may be more productive to write individual letters or emails for each topic 


  1. Open the letter in an official manner.  "Dear Mr/Ms. (Person's name) is fine. Or use their title "Dear Mayor ___". 

  2. Explain the purpose for your letter.  

  3. Summarize your understanding of the issue/decision being considered.  

  4. Explain your position on this issue. 

  5. Describe what any changes will mean to you, and to others.

  6. Be sure to provide your name and contact information. Anonymous letters may be discarded without being read. 


Thanks for reading these brief suggestions, which help keep the dialog going. If you would rather support us in other ways, that's great! We need your help. 




Dear _______,
I am writing to express my disappointment with the Village's decision to encourage the demolition of so much of our beautiful Main Street. I don't understand why other solutions to housing and taxes couldn't be found. I'm worried that if this continues, Port Chester will become just another stretch of empty glass fronts on Route 1 and no one will be interested in spending any time here. Please stop the developers from destroying our village".



Dear _______,
I wanted to write to you to tell you that I have seen the projects that the Village is planning for new apartments and stores. I think they are completely out of character for Port Chester. I also think that they are not going to improve things for anyone because of the tax breaks and traffic, which will hurt us for years to come. I see other towns and villages are working to preserve their downtown areas and are actually helping local business owners stay in their lovely old buildings. Why can't Port Chester do that?


I hope you reconsider the direction you are taking us. I never expected the village to stay the way it was, but these huge buildings are a terrible mistake, in my opinion. I know there is a new Zoning plan but we didn't really get a chance to see what you had in mind. I think we need to stop the demolition and come up with a better way to improve the village. Thank you. " 


Who to contact in Port Chester​



Luis Marino :


Board of Trustees:

John Allen:

Juliana Alzate:

Joe Carvin:

Bart Didden:

Phil Dorazio:
Joan Grangenois-Thomas:


Planning Commission:

Curt Lavalla:


Zoning Board:

Constance Phillips:


Architectural Review Board:

Regina Glennon (Village Staff):


Please note that the ARB is staffed by volunteers.


Westmore News:


Who to contact in Westchester County & New York State


Town of Rye Supervisor

Gary J. Zuckerman:

Rye Town Parks Commissioner

Emily Proskind Hurd (914) 939-3075 ext. 101 


The Journal News or call 1-888-426-6388 


Westchester County Historical Society


New York State Dept of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation


Chelsea Towers: , or call 518-268-2129 

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