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Case studies


New Haven's Main Street

This historic Main Street in the New Haven area has seen a tremendous resurgence in business after the Village not only embraced their history, but made it a visible and celebrated part of the downtown experience. Their Main Street shares many of Port Chester's attributes including parks, monuments, and a sea-side atmosphere. 


We included this community, and others like it, because they provide real-world, verified examples of the types of development the Port Chester Main Street Association are in favor of. These examples provide proof that preserving the historic charm of any Main Street can lead to renewed economic strength, without sacrificing the very heart and character of a village that made it unique.

Patchogue's Main Street

The Patchogue Business Improvement District in the Village of Patchogue, whose Main Street is Sunrise Highway, was incorporated in 1893 and could easily be mistaken for Port Chester. They faced nearly identical occupancy and revenue issues and took the approach of preservation and improvement instead of demolition. The Village is now ranked #4 among the top ten places to live in the United States. Also this Newsday article.

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Our "Sister City" across the Long Island Sound, with a rich shared history dating to the late 1600's. Oyster Bay has had remarkable success with careful renovation and modernization of their historic downtown area that preserved the village character while promoting business and commerce. This award-winning community has enjoyed the renewed financial strength of their historic downtown area. It offers proof that the path to economic health doesn't rely on demolition and development, but on the careful application of Code and Zoning ordinances that promote Main Street.

Mount Pleasant, Washington, DC

Case Studies: How Mount Pleasant quietly became a model for resisting gentrification, with a strong and active Historic Preservation Commission making sure that new projects complied with the existing character of the town. No CVS or drive-thru fast food; no glass towers; the traditions of the town are guided by Historic Mount Pleasant and District Bridges, two non-profits that have worked for decades in the area.

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Tulsa's Main Street

Oklahoma? You bet.  Whittier Square was Tulsa’s first suburban shopping district, just like Port Chester's Liberty Square. Along the original alignment of Route 66, the neighborhood thrived for decades. In 1967, a rush to urbanization and development sent the neighborhood into a freefall that lasted more than four decades. The decision to preserve and improve Main Street was the right choice. Today, Whittier Square is an award-winning destination.  Check it out:

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